Talk It Out Dallas


I was watching footage from NYC on 9/11 after the towers were hit but before they collapsed and then after they collapsed. This footage showed the effect of trauma on people. Of course, the trauma of the terrorist attack on the WTC but also less visible trauma that happens everyday including physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children who then grow up to be traumatized adults.

Men and women have been influenced by abuse often grow up to be caring people who have good jobs and families. However, these same people can become anxious, depressed and unable to share their true selves with the people in their lives. The abuse from the past exerts a quiet but negative effect on the present. It is these smart, good people that I work with in psychotherapy. I have seen lives change powerfully from talk therapy with me. I hope you will come and see me if you are a woman or man who has been impacted by abuse or neglect in the past and this abuse continues to cause you problems, loneliness and/or anxiety and depression.


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